Sunday, March 15, 2009

Things to let go

oh ya...i have a few things to let go...interested??email SOLDDDD

pening has been 3 months of waiting and waiting and waiting...for what? pelepasan jawatan dengan izin...i have finally got myself out of school...tapi to get myself out of Kementerian is so so difficult...tapi...Saya yang menurut perintah kan?? so wait...

My Family

Well, finally a new baby girl in our family...after 5 years of waiting finally...Aisyah Zahra Iman was born on 25 October 2008, just one day away from mak tok's birthday which is on 26 october...however a bit late as my daddy didn't have the chance to see the latest addition to the family...I miss you Babah!! Al-Fatihah